Fade Percentage Explained: Ultimate Fade Pattern Guide for CS2 Skins

Choosing weapon skins in CS2 is very important for players, allowing them to reveal their individuality and demonstrate status. One of the most valuable and visually attractive skin types is skin with a fade effect. Known for their gradient color transitions, these skins feature unique fade patterns that make each weapon genuinely unique. In this small guide, you will learn about the types of fade percentage, patterns, the rarest and best skins with a perfect gradient, and valuable tips for trading such skins in CS2.

What is the Fade Percentage in CS2 Skins?

The fade percentage in CS2 skins indicates the degree of coverage of the color gradient on the weapon’s blade. Each Fade skin has 1001 variations, determined by the pattern number from 1 to 1000. The cost of the skin depends on the pattern. The most valuable knives in CS2 are the knives with the Full Fade pattern. This means that the gradient covers almost the entire blade area (90%-100%).

Interestingly, there are options with a higher percentage of coverage. For example, this value can reach 110% for a Falchion knife. When viewing this skin, you may notice that the gradient extends along the blade and on the handle.

This fact is important to remember because if you decide to buy or exchange any skin for a Falchion knife with the fade pattern, you may decide that the 110% offer is a scam. Not really.

Other important notes about pattern designations exist. For example, Talon Knife and Karambit knives have slightly different designations. The percentage of each color in the pattern is indicated. For example, 90/5/5 means that the blade has 90% pink and 5% purple and yellow.

In this guide, we will treat the value 100% as equal to Full Fade for ease of understanding patterns. The main thing to remember about knives with the fade pattern is that the higher the percentage and the lower the float value, the higher the cost of the skin.

Different Types of Fade Patterns

In CS2, fade patterns for knives are determined by how the gradient image is applied to the weapon. The percentage of the weapon’s gradient coverage is determined by how the blue, red, and yellow areas are laid out on the blade.

Each skin has variations that can include different proportions of these colors. For example, players may encounter a Fade knife in CS2 that is almost completely covered in yellow with a small splash of red and no hints of blue. This phenomenon can usually be observed on small knives like Butterfly or Stiletto. These are not very valuable variations in the gaming community.

Among the rarest variations are those that have more blue on the blade. Such variations are trendy among skin collectors. The most valuable Fade skins are those that have equal shares of all three three colors and completely cover the blade.

In addition to the already mentioned Full Fade pattern, where the blade is 90-100% covered, there are also categories such as “Fake Full Fade” (color coverage is 70-89%), “True Fire & Ice” (color coverage is 0-69 %). Let’s look at the most common and valuable Fade Patterns.

Common Fade Patterns

Fade skins are available not only for knives in CS2 but also for several other weapons in CS2. For example, Fade is applicable for Glock-18, R8 Revolver, MP7, MAC-10, AWP, UMP-45, and Specialist Gloves. As with knives, the appearance of these skins depends on the specific Fade pattern. However, the pattern does not affect these weapons as much as knives.

For example, the most valuable versions of AWP | Fade are skins with a pattern where the predominant color is yellow with small splashes of purple. These are 100% Fade/Full Fade patterns with seeds #146, #359, #649.

Other known pattern indexes of Full Fade skins for AWP: 16, 129, 152, 241, 281, 292, 332, 344, 393, 412, 541, 602, 628, 673, 688, 701, 743, 777, 792, 918, 994.

The Glock-18 | Fade, on the other hand, has a version called “Absolute Max”. It is the most valuable version, where the purple color predominates on the slide. A less valuable variation is “Max Fade,” with an equal distribution of purple, pink, and yellow. “Full Fade” is also a rare variation where pink and yellow predominate.

Among the well-known Full Fade pattern indexes for Glock-18: 34, 41, 87, 93, 205, 256, 326, 341, 348, 403, 468, 520, 521, 527, 575, 583, 601, 636, 651, 668, 714, 742, 763, 807, 848, 892, 897, 910, 911, 944, 961.

Rare and Unique Fade Patterns

To avoid confusion between real and fake Full Fade patterns, let’s highlight all Full Fade patterns with 100% gradient blade coverage, with no noticeable or unnoticeable gray areas.

  • Full Fade Karambit and Full Fade Talon knives: 16, 129, 146, 152, 241, 281, 292, 332, 344, 359, 393, 412, 541, 602, 628, 649, 673, 688, 701, 743, 777, 792, 918, 994.
  • Full Fade Classic, Nomad, Butterfly, Paracord, Skeleton, Survival, Stiletto, Ursus, and Shadow Daggers knives: 41, 87, 93, 205, 326, 341, 348, 403, 468, 520, 527, 575, 583, 601, 636, 651, 742, 763, 807, 892, 897, 910, 911, 961.
  • Full Fade M9 Bayonet knife: 41, 87, 93, 205, 326, 341, 348, 403, 422, 468, 520, 521, 527, 575, 583, 601, 636, 651, 668, 714, 742, 763, 807, 892, 897, 910, 911, 961.
  • Full Fade Bayonet knife: 34, 41, 87, 93, 205, 256, 326, 341, 348, 403, 468, 520, 521, 527, 575, 583, 601, 636, 651, 668, 714, 742, 763, 807, 848, 892, 897, 910, 911, 944, 961.
  • Full Fade Falchion knife: 41, 87, 93, 326, 341, 403, 468, 520, 521, 527, 575, 636, 651, 763, 897, 910, 911, 961.
  • Full Fade Huntsman knife: 41, 87, 93, 205, 326, 341, 348, 403, 468, 520, 521, 527, 575, 601, 636, 651, 668, 714, 763, 807, 892, 897, 910, 911, 961.
  • Full Fade Bowie knife: 34, 41, 87, 93, 105, 205, 256, 326, 341, 348, 403, 468, 520, 521, 527, 575, 576, 583, 601, 636, 648, 651, 668, 714, 742, 763, 807, 892, 897, 910, 911, 944, 961, 975.
  • Full Fade Gut knife: 41, 87, 93, 326, 341, 403, 468, 520, 521, 575, 636, 651, 763, 897, 910, 911, 961.
  • Full Fade Flip knife: 41, 87, 93, 205, 326, 341, 348, 403, 468, 520, 521, 527, 575, 601, 636, 651, 668, 714, 763, 807, 848, 897, 910, 911, 961.
  • Full Fade Navaja knife: 41, 87, 93, 205, 326, 341, 348, 403, 468, 520, 527, 575, 583, 601, 636, 651, 742, 763, 807, 897, 910, 911, 961.

How to Check the Fade Percentage and Pattern Index?

There are at least two situations where players may want to check the Fade percentage or the visual representation of a particular pattern index. Firstly, this is the case when you are on the trading platform and are ready to purchase a Fade skin. Another case is related to the player’s fantasies regarding the purchase of one or another Fade skin.

There are three main ways:

  • Method 1: Find a special service for checking Fade, for example, csgofades.com, and specify the pattern index. You can evaluate the result of the check directly on the skin.
  • Method 2: You can also use the csinspect.com service, where you can select a specific skin and enter the pattern index. Copy the link to check the pattern in the game and open it. You will be redirected to CS, where you can evaluate the pattern on the skin.
  • Method 3. You can use the generated code from csinspect.com to check the pattern on other services. For example, you can find them on Discord. To do this, enter “CS2 Skin Inspect Server”. Login to the server through the game. To do this, click “Play”, then select the globe icon, then enter the server name in the filters. Enter the weapon code into the chat and analyze the skin.

It’s hard to imagine Fade’s passion for skins without the desire to add one of these skins to your inventory. So, it’s time to consider the features of buying and selling Fade skins.

Tips for Trading and Buying Fade Skins

If you’re planning on trading or purchasing Fade skins, here are some helpful tips to help you avoid common mistakes in the CS2 community:

Understanding Fade patterns

Use Fade checkers in CS2 to evaluate percentages. The higher the Fade percentage, the less gray there is on the skin, and the brighter the gradient colors appear. Skins with the maximum Fade percentage usually cost more.

Pay attention to the pattern index, which determines the arrangement of colors on the skin. Patterns with an even distribution of the three primary colors (red, blue, and yellow) often have higher values.

Use specialized sites and tools

Use sites like csgofades.com and csinspect.com to visualize the Fade percentage and pattern index. These Fade checkers for CS2 players will help you see what a skin looks like with different parameters.

Price analysis

Check the market prices of Fade skins with the same or similar Fade patterns and percentages on different services. This will give you an idea of a fair price and help you avoid overpaying.

The CS2 skins market can be extremely volatile, and trends can change quickly. Therefore, it is important to maintain awareness of current trends and demand for Fade skins.

Caution when conducting transactions

When exchanging or buying skins, be careful and make transactions only with proven and reliable traders. Use reputable platforms with built-in security measures. You already know how to check fade percentage, use the appropriate tools before and during transactions. Ensure all skin parameters (Fade percentage and pattern index) match those specified in the offer.

Top Fade Skins to Look Out For

Fade skins in CS2 are available for different weapons. If you are looking for a skin with an attractive appearance and high value, then you should pay attention to Fade. Let’s take a look at the best Fade skins.

Specialist Gloves | Fade

These are the only gloves in CS2 from the Fade family. If you already have Fade skins for knives or firearms, the gloves will be a great addition to this set. The design of Specialist Gloves | Fade is dominated by blue, contrasting well with the red glitter.

Lowest Steam price: $202.71

Drops from the case: Revolution case & Clutch case

First added: 16 February, 2018

Specialist Gloves Fade: Close-up of the Specialist Gloves Fade showcasing the unique skin fade pattern and fade percentage in CS2 fade skins.

Butterfly Knife | Fade

This is one of the most expensive skins in CS2, which is, of course, a favorite of many players and collectors. The gradient transition perfectly emphasizes the graceful, dangerous curves of the knife. You can choose a skin with a predominantly yellow, red, or blue color on the blade. Additionally, Butterfly Knife | Fade in a player’s inventory is a decent indicator of status.

Lowest Steam price: $3178

Drops from case: Operation Breakout

First added: 1 July, 2014

Glock-18 Fade: View of the Glock-18 Fade displaying the skin fade pattern and fade percentage, ideal for CS2 fade check.

Glock-18 | Fade

This is one of the most expensive skins for Glock-18 in CS2. Glock-18 | Fade has a Restricted rarity and is an excellent addition to any player’s inventory. Fade looks great on this weapon. The design resembles a sunset, impressing with gradient transitions from yellow to deep blue.

Lowest Steam price: $1948.87

Available in collection: Assault collection

First added: 14 August, 2013

Glock-18 Fade

Wrapping Up!

Fade skins are excellent cosmetic additions for weapons in CS2 that amaze players with their attractiveness and complexity. Attention to details such as Fade percentage and color gradient distribution allows players to make more informed decisions when purchasing or trading skins, making the journey through the world of CS2 more fun and rewarding. 

Understanding market trends and carefully checking the skin will help you avoid overpayments and fraud. Read our blog for more insights on other skins and their prices.

Knife skins characterized as Full Fade are entirely covered with gradient, without any gray areas.

A good fade percentage in CS2 can range from 90% to 100%. These are skins with a bright and colorful gradient coating combined with a certain amount of gray (usually barely noticeable).